Ending Death on the Job
As an extension of our work at Industrial Scientific Corp., the McElhattan Foundation is committed to ending death on the job by 2050.
What We Fund
We operate under the following two strategies:
Strategy #1:
Double down on what’s working. We partner with the National Safety Council’s Work to Zero program. All the advances in safety technology, training, and processes over the past 120 years work…use them!
Strategy #2:
Accelerate the development of new technologies that eliminate the need to do dangerous tasks at work. We aim to go beyond simply making workers safer while doing dangerous tasks…we want to eliminate the dangerous tasks altogether.
What We Do Not Fund
McElhattan Foundation does not fund employee training, buying or installing safety equipment, or highway safety. These activities are well developed within the safety industry and don’t need any help from us.

A Lifesaving Invention: the Automatic Coupler
Prior to the creation of the automatic coupler in 1900, railroad brakemen performed an extremely dangerous task using the Link and Pin Coupler. Many were killed as a result of being crushed between cars or dragged under cars that were coupled too quickly.

The invention of the semi-automatic knuckle coupler in 1868 automatically locked the couplers on cars or locomotives together without a rail worker having to get between the cars, and replaced the link and pin coupler, which was a major cause of railroad worker injuries and deaths.

How to Apply
Please answer the following questions to determine the next steps for your application: